When you think about home security, you think locks and gates, security guards and CCTV. We very often overlook fire detection, and fear intruders far more. But as the past has taught us, flames have the power to cause the type of damage no human ever could.

There are plenty of different noisemakers on the market – alarms triggered by smoke and heat – so in the very unusual instances that we do consider fire detection, we simply opt for the cheapest. What we fail to consider and are all too quick to overlook even when pointed out, is how useless a fire alarm is if it isn’t monitored.

Our homes are left unattended all the time. And it only takes a second or so for something to catch fire and spread. If we’re in the house and an alarm goes off, great – it’ll wake us up when we’re asleep and alert us to either address the situation or get out. If we’re away, on holiday say, then… what?

The chances of a neighbour hearing, let alone acting quick enough, are very slim. It is for this reason that we always suggest a monitored system that comes as part of your home security package.

The Benefits of Adding Monitored Fire Detection to Your Alarm System

Non-monitored smoke alarms don’t have the ability to summon assistance. Sure, you’ll meet most building codes and regulations but this won’t help you if ever you find yourself at home, overcome by thick smoke, or away trying to catch a break unaware of an emergency!

Besides the protection of your possessions and family members, there are pets to consider – many of which are left home alone all the time. The last thing you want is for them to be trapped in a burning building with no one to rescue them.

Fire monitoring will help you to avoid the horrific repercussions a house fire can have. It could also work well in your favour when it comes to getting yourself a good home insurance deal.

Everything You Need to Know About Heat and Smoke Sensors

The best alarm monitoring systems rely solely on security cellular connections. Not all wireless devices will run off this – some use a phone line or Internet connection. The most secure is the cellular, so look for a device that combines that with these three following fire detection technologies:

  • Smoke detection

The smoke detection aspect uses photoelectric technology, which is able to sense airborne particulate. The sensor basically samples the air and if it discovers smoke or ash, it’ll let you know immediately – possibly before you could even smell it see it yourself.

  • Fixed temperature sensor

Heat is detected uses a fixed temperature sensor, which triggers an alarm at 135 degrees F. This aspects is a crucial one, but could not be used as standalone safety technology – hence the smoke detection and rate of rise temperature sensors to support it.

  • Rate of rise temperature sensor

The rate of rise temperature sensor works by determining if a room temperature is increasing at a dramatic rate (over 15 degrees F within a 60-second period). If this sensor detects an unusual rate of rise in temperature like this it will activate its monitored alarm.

You will find plenty of fire detection options that contain one of the above, but again the trick is to look for one that combines all three and utilises cellular connections.

The Best Places in the Home to Put Your Smoke and Heat Sensors

It’s a common misconception that you should put smoke and heat sensors in the corners of your home, where the wall and the ceiling meet. Though this won’t hinder the effectiveness of the sensor altogether, it’s not the best position. We recommend placing them on high on the wall or actually on the ceiling, as this is where you will get the most accurate response.

Many people believe that, as there is often an open flame in the kitchen, this is a good location for a smoke and heat sensor. Though this is the case, it is also true that there’s a heightened possibly of a false alarm in this area. We advise saving your fire detectors for hallways, bedrooms, staircases and main living areas. Bathrooms are also ones to avoid, as sensors can often misinterpret the steam as smoke.

So there you have it. A full breakdown of the reasons why fire detection is just as an important part of home security as intruder alarms, and a guide on what to look for when it comes choosing the right system for home. We hope you’ve found this post useful and ask that you kindly pass the link onto your friends and followers using the links below if you have!