As a landlord or holiday house owner, you can’t always be on-site to ensure the safety of your rental property. But, as we know better than most, this doesn’t mean there aren’t things you can do to deter burglars looking for an easy break-in. So, without further adieu, let’s explore some practical ways to protect your rental property from intruders…

Secure All Entrances

Of course your property has a door, maybe even a few! But are these doors safe, installed with double-cylinder deadbolts? If you’re not sure the answer to this question then you must check all entrances, making sure the locks are secure and the doors aren’t hollow. Metal and solid wood doors are your safest bet, as they are incredibly sturdy and hard to kick through without spending lots of time making a huge racket.

If you are a landlord, you should also encourage tenants to take their own safety precautions – suggesting that they leave certain lights on at certain times of the day/night when they are out and providing door jammers for added, simple precaution.

In addition, you’ll also want to consider changing the locks upon evicting a tenant to certify the safety of newcomers. Even if you have been able to obtain the keys, you cannot be sure the tenant hasn’t had them copied. This will give you peace of mind and is good practise.

Install A Security System

If you leave your rental property unoccupied for long periods at a time, or simply want to take responsibility for the protection of your property, it is worth installing a security system. Security systems are often deemed a big investment, but they become priceless in the instance of a break-in. Consider the price of your property and the possessions inside and you’ll soon see why it’s a vital asset to have…

The are a variety of different options on the market to choose from, so finding on to fit within your budget shouldn’t be an issue if you’ve got an idea of what you need in mind. Many modern security devices are self-installed and able to be integrated to operate on your smartphone, so if your tenant looses their keys you’ll be able to let them in.

Tenants are likely to be willing to pay a little extra for added security measures, so if you can’t afford to fork it out it may be worth asking them to contribute.

Hire A Property Manager

If you own a large property, like a block of flats or sizeable house, that serves several tenants, then hiring a property manager is definitely something to look into. You can employ someone part-time or full-time, whichever you feel will work best.

The idea of a property manager is to have some presence on the premises that you can rely on. This is off-putting to burglars and reassuring for renters, not to mention a huge comfort to landlords unable to perform regular upkeep of their own.

Property managers can be trained to screen tenants before you take them on, produce reports of the local area and make note of suspicious activity. Dependant on the area, this may be more necessary that one would hope.

Rentals can be a great investment, but only if you keep them safe and retain their value! If you’re ready to squash your security issues, get in touch with 1st Ace Security for more advice and professional products.