With thousands of homeowners and renters already using Air BnB as a means of making some spare cash, it’s becoming increasingly important to weigh up the risks involved.

We’ve all heard the horror stories of guests hosting crazy parties and opening up pop-up brothers. And we think it’s safe to say that these types of mishaps are something we’d all like to avoid.

But just how easy is it?

Today we’re going to share some of our top tips for protecting your home, including everything ranging from insurance & valuables and rules & expectations. We’ll also run through a few smart security solutions, to ensure you’re covered for all eventualities.

Ready to be hostess of the mostess?

Insurance & Valuables

Even though AirBnB has its own insurance system that’ll cover certain types of damage, they don’t protect your debit or credits cards, financial papers, cheques, jewellery or birth certificates.

The best way around this without spending a heap of money looking for an all-inclusive policy is to simply store your valuables in a safety deposit box, either at the bank, on your person or in a discrete place within your property.

Of course, for a safety deposit box to be of any real value, you must ensure it is kept under strict lock and key – at all times!

Rules & Expectations

To book a reservation at any Air BnB, guests must agree to their hosts’ lists of house rules. These often include off-limit areas, pet policies and smoking arrangements.

If a guest happens to break a house rule, the host is able to cancel their reservation without penalty, which is why it’s incredibly important to compile a comprehensive list with all specifics for the upmost protection.

Failing to do so means that you could have to house guests that have no respect for your home or the possessions within it. The ability to set out clear rules means that you’re able to better manage expectations and therefore attract the right visitors.

Tech & Tools

While smart security solutions do have a real purpose in the Air BnB market, it is of paramount importance that you’re aware that the company prohibits hosts from using hidden cameras or any sort of surveillance system to spy on guests.

The presence of any such device must be disclosed clearly, or you face penalties. See the official statement for assurance:

“If you’re a host and you have any type of surveillance device in or around a listing, even if it’s not turned on or hooked up, we require that you let guests know by including this information clearly in your listing description and photographs. If a host discloses the device after booking, AirBnB will allow the guest to cancel the reservation and receive a refund. Host cancellation penalties may apply.”

Nevertheless, there’s an abundance of technology you can and should make great use off. These include:

Mail Guards

To ensure your private letters aren’t picked up and opened by nosey guests.

Smart Doorbells

To verify identities of guests, even when you can’t physically be there! 

Keyless Entry

To provide you with full access control and allow for seamless key exchanges.

Video Sensors

To keep a keen eye on specific areas, such as font and back entrances.

Sound Sensors

To take a less invasive approach to home security by alerting you of decibel spikes.

Tilt Sensors

To keep you posted whenever a surface with valuables on it is disturbed.

VPRN Router

To secure your router and protect yourself against cyber thieves.

Do you have experience as an Air BnB host? Share your stories with us on one of the channels below! Alternatively, call us today for a home security overhaul and ultimate peace of mind.

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