Here at 1st Ace Security we are the experts in keeping your premises and your property protected, that is why we keep ourselves on the cutting edge of access control technology so you are always in safe hands. We offer CCTV, automated gates and security guards to peruse your premises day and night but sometimes the simplest solutions to safety are the most effective: bollards and security barriers protect your car park from unwanted guests and help manage traffic in and out so the risks of crashes and crime are dramatically lowered.

Access Control Solutions Beyond Your Building

Having access control for your car park as well as your building gives you an extra layer of protection from crime. Car park thefts are rampant everywhere from towns and cities to villages in the countrysides so any level of security is a step in the right direction to reducing the statistics, access control means cars coming in and out of the car park are monitored and for businesses introducing further measures such as key pads and key cards means that only authorised personnel will have access to the site.

If you couple your security barriers and bollards with further security measures such as CCTV you can be completely aware of who is on your property at all times and any vehicles in your car park are less susceptible to theft or vandalism.

Security and Safety

The inclusion of bollards helps drivers understand the layout of the site as well as keeping unauthorised guests out, bollards show where drivers can and can’t go so any area that is not suitable for car travel or that might pose a risk to a vehicle is kept off limits.

Here at 1st Ace Security we have everything you need to ensure proper access control, we make it our business to protect your property so come to us for all of your security needs. Contact us today on 020 8290 5050 or get in touch online and we’ll find the right security measures for your premises.